Øâ§ã˜â±ã™ë†ã˜â±could Not Download Video try Again in Wattsapp

Hither is another version for Wordpress, original one did not work as intended.

          # Begin WordPress <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>     RewriteEngine On     RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [Finish]     RewriteCond $1 ^(index\.php)?$ [OR]     RewriteCond $ane \.(gif|jpg|png|ico|css|js)$ [NC,OR]     RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]     RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d     RewriteRule ^(.*)$ - [Cease]     RewriteRule ^ /index.php [L] </IfModule> # END WordPress                  

Reference from this Github repository, modified a bit. Afterward excessive testing this rule does not solve all problems. We have a Wordpress webshop, which has xl plugins and somewhere is there a rewrite clash. I sincerely promise adjacent version of Wordpress has no URL rewrites.

          RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]                  

Syntax Rewrite Rule

The ^ signifies start of the string, \ escapes . or it would mean whatsoever character, and $ signifies terminate of the cord.

^index\.php$ if http(s)://hostname/index.php - do nothing [END] flag tin can exist used to stop not only the current round of rewrite processing merely prevent any subsequent rewrite processing.

          RewriteCond $ane ^(alphabetize\.php)?$ [OR]                  

Syntax Rewrite Condition

In RewriteCond using $one as a test cord references to captured contents of everything from the outset to the stop of the url http(due south)://hostname/bla/bla.php. If used in commutation or condition information technology references to captured backreference. RewriteRule (bla)/(ble\.php)$ - for http(s)://hostname/bla/ble.php captures bla into $1 and ble.php into $2. Multiple capture groups can be accessed via $3..N.

( ) groups several characters into single unit, ? forces the lucifer optional. [OR] flag allows you to combine rewrite conditions with a logical OR relationship as opposed to the default AND.

In short, if bla/bla.php contains index.php OR next condition

          RewriteCond $ane \.(gif|jpg|png|ico|css|js)$ [NC,OR]                  

( ) groups several characters into single unit of measurement, | separates characters to subgroups and conditions them if any one of. [NC] flag causes the RewriteRule to be matched in case-insensitive manner.

In brusque, if bla/bla.php ends with whatever of the filetypes OR next condition

          RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]                  

Server-Variables are variables of the form %{ NAME_OF_VARIABLE } where NAME_OF_VARIABLE can be a cord taken from the following list:

enter image description here

%{REQUEST_FILENAME} is full local filesystem path to the file or script matching the request, if this has already been determined by the server at the time REQUEST_FILENAME is referenced. Otherwise, such as when used in virtual host context, the same value as REQUEST_URI. Depending on the value of AcceptPathInfo, the server may have merely used some leading components of the REQUEST_URI to map the request to a file.

-f check for regular file. Treats the test string as pathname and tests whether or not it exists.

In short, if bla/bla.php is a file OR next condition

          RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d                  

-d cheque for directory. Treats the exam string as a pathname and tests whether or not information technology exists.

In short, if bla/bla.php is a directory

          RewriteRule ^(.*)$ - [END] non as in Github [Southward=i]                  

This statement is only executed when 1 of the status returned true.

. lucifer any graphic symbol * zippo or more than times.

The [Due south] flag is used to skip rules that yous don't want to run. The syntax of the skip flag is [Southward=N], where N signifies the number of rules to skip (provided the RewriteRule matches). This can be thought of as a goto statement in your rewrite ruleset. In the following example, we only desire to run the RewriteRule if the requested URI doesn't correspond with an bodily file.

In short, do nothing

          RewriteRule ^ /index.php [L]                  

The [L] flag causes mod_rewrite to stop processing the rule ready. In virtually contexts, this ways that if the rule matches, no further rules will be processed. This corresponds to the final command in Perl, or the break command in C. Utilize this flag to signal that the current rule should be practical immediately without because further rules.

In curt, rewrite every path as http(s)://hostname/index.php

I fetched this picayune doc together from apaches.org documentation. Links below.

  • Apache mod_rewrite Introduction
  • Apache Module mod_rewrite
  • Apache mod_rewrite RewriteRule Flags


Source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13149418/the-requested-url-about-was-not-found-on-this-server

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